Smell, scent and fragrance!
7 ways to grace your space
I don’t know about you, but I’m the kind of person who sniffs at sort of everything – books, clothes, food, people (yup, so, watch out if we meet!).
As a kid, I actually sniffed my teddy bear so intense that he got bold (true story!), but he looked lovely anyway.?
Even if you’re not as obsessed with smells as I am, it still has an effect on how you perceive a space.
So let’s see how you easily can add any of your favorites to your space to create a little extra magic.
Scent can put you in a mood in a blink!
Scent can be so subtle that you don’t even think about it, or it can be the first thing you notice – both in an enjoyable way and in a less pleasant way…?
You can’t see it – but you’ll feel it!
Either way, it does have an effect on you and how you experience the space, so making a deliberate choice to your favor can really help you to create the space you want.
What to think about before adding a scent
So there’re a couple of things you can consider when adding a scent.
- First off is to realize what kind of space you want to create and what atmosphere you want to establish. Ask yourself how you want to feel – relaxed, energized, maybe whet the appetite or something else?
- Also, scent can help you to follow along with the flow of time and the change of season. Think of what nature looks like right now and specific features that relate to the current phase. What scent can you bring into your space that reminds you of this stage?
- And finally, of course, certain holidays really have their own set of fragrances. How can you add them to your space during that time to enhance the feel of that holiday even more?
When you set off to sniff your way to what you want, be aware of how the scent makes you feel, what kind of ambiance does it evoke for you and does it resonate with what you want to create?
7 ways to add scents to your space
And – drumroll, please!? – here’re 7 different ways to actually add a fragrance to your space:
- Flowers
- Fragrance sticks
- Scented candles
- Incenses
- Things from nature
- Food
- Spices
So, go play and be creative and see how you can add scents to your space.
And let me know how it goes!
Over to you!
Tell me in the comments below:
- What’s your favorite way of adding smell to your space?
I’d love to know and learn from you! - Did you try any of these 7 ways out – how did it go?
- Do you have any questions about this?
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