Not in the mood you want?
6 ways to change that
Well, we all know about those days when we’re not feeling quite how we want to feel… Maybe we’re a little blue and worried.? Or we feel a bit restless and unfocused.? Or maybe totally IRRITATED because STUFF is going ON.?
But hang tight, here are 6 (well, actually 8!) ways you can try to change your mood!
Reclaim your state
First, just to make things über clear; I’m not suggesting that you should suppress heavy feelings or not deal with emotional dilemmas. But sometimes it’s not really about those big things, it’s more about not being in a state that for the moment neither serves you nor supports you. Then it could be good to know that you can do something about it, in some quite simple ways, because;
There’s a great power in taking back your power!
So next time you feel a bit off and want to shift your attention and mood, try some of this:
Mmmm… nature and fresh air just do it all, doesn’t it?! And if you find your self in the middle of a busy city, and can’t even find a park for the moment, it still helps to just go outside for a while.
Move that amazing body of yours – yay! Again, go for a walk or a run, do some yoga or a little bit of workout, or dance! It doesn’t have to be heavy sweaty stuff, just getting your bloodstream going a little bit will affect your state.
Just listen to it – or dance and sing and move to it! If you’re around people, get your headphones on and let them be in awe of your fabulous moves, and wonder what song you’re miming to. And of course, it doesn’t have to be music, it could be any kind of sound that helps you get into the ambiance you want.
Get a cool shower to cool down and refresh your mind, or a warm shower or a hot bath to wind down, relax and get comfortable. Also, the smell of a shower gel or bubble bath, a lotion or a scented essential oil will affect your mood.
Do a long one or a short one. Sometimes it’s enough with just a couple of deep breaths, and at times that may be all you can squeeze in – like just before an important meeting or making that scary call. Other times, you really benefit from a longer one.
Declutter & Clean up & Wash
Well, these are actually three different actions but they tend to get together, so just do one of them or all three. Focus on your most nearby environment, like your desk, or go for a bigger space. Vacuum clean, dust, change to clean clothes, fresh beddings (isn’t that the best thing ever?!) and towels. Check out what could benefit from a wash. Enjoy the fresh smells and your more spacious space!
Adjusted the activities in length and intensity, and if you want them to be upbeat or soothing – all depending on how much time you have, your current state and how you want to feel.
Also, as you probably noticed, you can make your own special combo of any of them if you want to do more than one. How about an outdoor dance?! Or your favorite music while cleaning up?
So, now I’m curious to know:
- What little trick do you have to change your mood when you feel it’s time to do so?
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Photo credit: Benjamin Lambert/Unsplash