North, East, South, West!
How they differ & why that matter
We’ve earlier talked about the different directions and how their separate characters are one of the cornerstones in traditional feng shui.
We learned that we experience them totally different and that they affect us in different ways.
Moreover, that we’re likely to prefer one over another in different situations.
Now, let’s take the next step in understanding the qualities of each direction and what those means to us, shall we?
The 4 personalities
So, let’s take it from the start. We’re dealing with four main directions:
- north
- east
- south
- west
In feng shui, they are referred to as four different energies.
But if you find it difficult to relate to that term, you can just think about it as different states, ambiances or atmospheres.
You can even think about them as personalities,
that are very different from each other.
One is the calm, quiet, introvert – while another is on fire, talkative and extrovert. Then there’s the upbeat, happy and carefree – and finally the relaxed, content and thoughtful.
Their characters depend on their different relation to the sun and the daylight – to the suns path across the sky during a day.
One represents where it’s almost no daylight, another one the rising sun and morning light, yet another the midday light and the last one afternoon, evening and the sun setting.
But, without further ado, let’s get to know them all a bit better!?
The qualities and characteristics
First off; just be aware of that the directions are the opposite between the northern and the southern hemisphere. I’ve tried to make it clear in the scheme below – hope that helps!
⭐ NORTH (northern hemisphere) – SOUTH (southern hemisphere)
- Night time
- Almost no light, cold, dark, damp, least energetic
- Calm, quiet, introvert
? EAST (northern hemisphere) – WEST (southern hemisphere)
- Sunrise, morning and mid-morning light
- Bright light, going from cold to warmer, speeding up energy
- Upbeat, happy and carefree
☀ SOUTH (northern hemisphere) – NORTH (southern hemisphere)
- Midday light
- Most daylight, warm, bright, dry, most energetic
- On fire, talkative and extrovert
? WEST (northern hemisphere) – EAST (southern hemisphere)
- Afternoon, evening light and sunset
- Warm light, going from warm to cooler, slowing down energy
- Relaxed, content and thoughtful
How much difference you experience from direction to direction, greatly depends on where on the planet you live – and also from season to season.
Where you live will also affect how you relate to the directions.
Like, for example, if you find yourself way up north, where I’m from, you likely crave sun and daylight, since we don’t get much of it up here. But if you live in a very sunny and hot place all year round, you might be more attracted to shadow and coolness.
So, be aware of how the different directions feel and affect you where you find your self.
Okay, so what to do with all this?
With this knowledge, you can now foresee, quite well, a feeling and ambiance in a certain space.
And thanks to that, you can plan your space and use the different directions to benefit you.
Think of it a bit like; at what time of the day do you want to spend time with which type of energy, personality, and ambiance.
As always, start to be aware and notice the differences – and you’ll eventually be more and more acquainted with each one of them. Promise!?
Over to you!
- What’s your biggest “aha” after reading this? Or are you left in complete confusion??
- Did this help you understand more about the basic principles of feng shui?
- Is this something you already think about and relate to?
Share in the comments below, I’d be so happy to hear from you!
And if you have any questions – ask away below too. Your question might help somebody else, and I’m happy to answer! And, of course, there is no such thing as a stupid question – but you know that already, right?☺
I look forward to hearing from you!
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Photo by Jovi Waqa on Unsplash