Let the directions give the directions!
What to use what room for
If you want to dive deeper into one of the principles of traditional feng shui, and learn how to apply it to plan your spaces to support you the most – this post is for you.
We have earlier talked about how the different directions, like north, east, south, and west, affects us – and also how they differ and why that matter. If you haven’t read those posts yet, I recommend you do before reading this one – that’ll make it easier to follow along below.
In those earlier posts, we’ve gotten to know the different personalities of the directions and how we might experience them.
We’ve learned that the shifting daylight during the day greatly affect how we perceive a space – if it feels happy, energetic and lively, or if it feels more dormant, quiet and still.
Now, it’s time to take the next step and learn how this knowledge helps us to choose how to best use a room.
The directions will show you the way
So, with this information at hand, it will be easier to decide what to use a specific room for.
Of course, some rooms might be more difficult than others to change the use of. For example, bathrooms, kitchens, and living rooms – they sort of have their given place.
But sometimes, some rooms can actually be swooped, in favor of the usage of both of them.
Like a bedroom that instead can be used as a home office, or two bedrooms that are better off swooping the users of them.
Knowing about these guidelines will help you to plan your space to better support you.
And even to prepare beforehand (that’s always nice, right?) when you’re about to move into a new place, plan a remodeling, or build a completely new place.
So, let’s dive in, shall we?
As we’ve talked about before, the different directions have different kinds of energy – or if you rather think of it as personalities, ambiances, characters. Whatever works for you.
We learned that some directions have a more active energy than others, which depends on how much daylight you’ll find in there, and at what time during the day the sunlight gets in there.
The more sunlight – the more active energy.
This gives that the most active direction is South in the Northen hemisphere and North in the Southern hemisphere.
But if you think it’s complicated to think about the directions, don’t worry – just think about where you have the most daylight and where you have less, and what times during the day the sunlight hit a certain space – that’s what it’s all about.
How to use the knowledge about the directions
What comes next is to pair activities with the direction that fits it the most.
This is done by following the simple rule of thumb:
The more active direction
– the more active activities.
And vice versa; the more still direction, the more still activities.
So, for example, sleep and meditation, which are very still activities, usually fits best in the most still direction.
Whereas more active activities, like play and work, benefit from more active directions and spaces.
And since this is kind of natural, you might already be following this – either by being totally aware of it or just by natural instinct. Because we’re quite often drawn to certain rooms at certain times of the day – or when doing certain things. We just feel that this is a good space for it.
So, with this knowledge in mind, you can start to plan how to use your spaces so they support you the most. Either by changing completely how you use a certain room, or by swooping spaces, or maybe just add the possibility to use a part of a room for a specific activity that you tend to end up doing in there.
As always, start to be aware of how your rooms feel different from each other during the day, and where you tend to want to be, during certain times of the day and doing certain things.
Over to you!
- What’s your biggest “aha” after reading this?
- Did you find this useful and did it deepen your understanding of feng shui – or was it totally confusing?
- Have you ever swooped spaces, and experienced a great difference – in one way or another?
Share in the comments below, I’d be so happy to hear from you!
And if you have any questions – ask away below too. Your question might help somebody else, and I’m happy to answer! And, of course, there is no such thing as a stupid question – but you know that already, right?☺️
I look forward to hearing from you!
Thanks for reading!
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– doing that will allow more of us to be able to read it.
Want to learn more about feng shui principles?
Then you might want to check out these posts too:
- #1 – Find your direction! Get the point with the cardinal points
- #2 – North, East, South, West! How they differ & why that matter
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